Husband. Father. Software engineer. Ubuntu Linux user.
Many Ubuntu users have recently become frustrated by the Pending update of
"firefox" snap
message they sometimes see when using Firefox. The message
usually says something like “Close the app to avoid disruptions (13 days left)”.
This is a big annoyance for users who might not want to close the app or install
an update on that timeline, and would rather do it on their own schedule.
Fortunately, there’s an easy solution to completely avoid this problem on
As I wrote in a previous blog post, Ubuntu 21.10+ changed the distribution method for Firefox from an apt package to a snap package. The snap version of Firefox includes this forced upgrade mechanism that many users don’t like. If you want to completely avoid the forced upgrade problem, the best way to do so is to uninstall the Firefox snap package and install Firefox via a different method.
I think installing Firefox using the self-contained zip method (provided directly by Mozilla) is currently the best way to install Firefox on Ubuntu. This method will perform auto-updates using the same mechanism it uses on Windows, installing the updates when Firefox starts (but never forcing you to shut down a running browser). Alternatively, if you want to install Firefox using apt, you can do so if you by adding a PPA that provides Firefox as an apt package instead of snap. (As of Ubuntu 22.04, the official Ubuntu Firefox apt package just installs the snap package, so you need a PPA if you want to actually install Firefox as a .deb with apt.)
Here’s how you can remove the Firefox snap package an use either method to install a non-snap version of Firefox:
Regardless which method you choose, here’s how to remove the snap:
sudo snap remove --purge firefox
(Using --purge
remove the app data, which is probably what you want since the apt package
stores its data in a different location.)rm -r
.Mozilla provides a version of
Firefox that can run on most
Linux distributions simply by unzipping it. You can use this to install Firefox
outside Ubuntu’s package manager (using neither snap nor apt-get). As such,
Firefox should be able to update itself like it does on Windows. Detailed
instructions for this method can be found in this Firefox help
You’ll unzip Firefox to /opt
, install a symlink in /usr/local/bin
, and add a
file for your desktop environment.
Installing Firefox from apt can also work well – Firefox will continue working
and updating like any other apt package. Ubuntu 22.04 removed the .deb
the repositories so you’ll need to add a PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa
sudo apt update && sudo apt install firefox
If you need more detailed instructions for this method, see these OMG! Ubuntu! instructions.
I’ve been running Firefox from a self-contained zip for almost a year now, and I haven’t had any problems with it. It’s been much more stable for me than the snap version (and it doesn’t display annoying warnings telling me I have 13 days left to update). I hope this method works as well for you as it does for me.
👋 Hi, I'm Mike! I'm a husband, I'm a father, and I'm a staff software engineer at Strava. I use Ubuntu Linux daily at work and at home. And I enjoy writing about Linux, open source, programming, 3D printing, tech, and other random topics. I'd love to have you follow me on X or LinkedIn to show your support and see when I write new content!
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